A downloadable digital experience for Windows and Linux

Where are you? Are you somewhere?

Explore the inside of another world with what limited comprehension you can make of it. But beware of the inhabitants - and nonliving horrors - that lurk here. Discover the secrets of an ancient form of life and their quest for world domination.

Right now, this project is in very early stages of development. There is a very small world to explore and only a few types of enemies, and only one can even cause a game over. But it's a good start.


WASD movement - mouse for camera

Space: turn on flashlight


The Nightmare - It seems that someone doesn't want you here. They left their shadow to stop you from staying. However, it can only attack in the light. Turn off your flashlight to make it go away.

Living Tree - With your flashlight off, this entity will start to move towards you. Make sure it doesn't reach you.

The Knoslet - This intelligent being can always move and tries to chase you down. Run away from it and don't let it catch you.


Void Nomad For Windows (Alpha 1) 31 MB
Void Nomad for Linux (Alpha 1) 32 MB